Corinne Beranger

orinne is currently global marketing manager at Amadeus in Sophia Antipolis. Before joining Amadeus 8 years ago, she worked for SWIFT, the global secure messaging and IT services provider for the financial industry, based near Brussels. 

She has spent most of her career in product management and marketing but also held positions in partner management, finance, HR and change management.

She holds a Master degree in business engineering and a post graduate degree from the Solvay Business School in Belgium. 

A Belgian and French dual national, she has worked or studied in five different countries and travelled to more than 50.

Corinne is passionate about travel, technology innovation, personal development and well-being. She is certified life and team coach and currently a mentor for PWN Nice.  She is keen on helping women go beyond their fears and limiting beliefs to build healthy and balanced professional and personal lives. 
