PWN Nice Round Table Creative Arts Lunch - How to Dance in the Rain?

24 June 2024 12:00 CET - 14:00 CET Sheraton Hotel, La Table des Suds

Life is a constant roller-coaster of ups and downs, failures and successes, trials and tribulations, peaks and valleys. What do you do when the storms of life hit? When all you see is the rain, can you still choose to see the light in darkness, the visibility in what appears to be invisible, or the quiet in every storm?

Jasmina Mukha is a licensed psychologist.
She has MA in Psychology, MSc in International Business, and training in Art therapy & Mental health. Jasmina’s practice focuses on adult and young adult psychological well-being, personal development and mental health. She offers individual counseling, facilitates creative group workshops, and teaches seminars on variety of topics related to mental health and well-being in the workplace. She works with individuals, groups, companies, NGOs, humanitarian organizations and refugees.

Join us for a lively discussion and discover something new about yourself through creative expression!

Event details

Sheraton Hotel, La Table des Suds
480 Prom. des Anglais, 06200 Nice
Member price
€3 per attendee
Non-member price
€5 per attendee
Other details
Price includes the workshop material. Meal to be paid at the venue.
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